Public spaces - create a healthy environment for everyone

A healthy environment for children, young people, adults, and seniors positively influences the quality of life in neighbourhoods. This also encourages those who may have difficulty moving on their own to get outside, play, exercise, and socialise with others.

But how can you organise your outdoor areas, so that play and sports promote health and wellbeing? Are there any inspiring design concepts for public recreational spaces?

Play brings generations together

At Lappset, we recognise the importance of play in bringing people of all generations together, providing opportunities for children of all abilities, engaging young people, and promoting the health benefits of exercise for older adults. We take pride in helping communities create inclusive, active and entertaining environments that challenge and inspire people of all ages and backgrounds.

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Children playing in a dinosaur playground equipment

Children playing in a dinosaur playground equipment

Designing and furnishing unique play landscapes

Unique and modern playgrounds are not just play areas but also future cityscapes that cater to all our senses. They combine architectural elements and intriguing structures to create an unforgettable playground experience. With interactive and unique elements, children and adults alike can let their imaginations run wild.

Consider this: many of us use well-designed playgrounds as recognisable landmarks to give directions or inform people of our location. These places, although not originally intended to serve this purpose, create somewhere a community can come together and share in the enjoyment of the great outdoors. They also serve as a notable points of interest in the community. By creating an interactive, energetic park and playground that is also an easily recognisable communal meeting place, you provide your community with additional fun elements and features that strengthen its identity.

Read more about our bespoke playgrounds here

Modern compact playgrounds

Children learn the value of healthy behaviour as they grow up – and public spaces can have a truly positive impact! To ensure that as many children as possible benefit from outdoor play, it is important to effectively organise any available space.

Fortunately, Lappset has you covered with compact playground equipment that lets young minds explore: offering a stimulating environment for physical growth alongside cognitive and social development in even the smallest areas. Growing up and pushing boundaries in exciting ways can be the goal for many playgrounds. Lappset provides playground equipment with play values instead of play functions that are challenging for different ages and skill levels. When adding interactive playsets to playgrounds, you get an inspiring play area for the whole neighbourhood, stimulating both younger children and teenagers alike!

Children playing in a  fuchsia Finno activity tower

Children playing in a fuchsia Finno activity tower

Inclusive playground in Lerum, Sweden

Inclusive playground in Lerum, Sweden

Inclusive playgrounds and sports areas

Embracing the outdoors should be a source of joy accessible to everyone, regardless of age or ability. At Lappset, our commitment to inclusivity is unwavering, ensuring that both the young and old, those with diverse abilities, and the non-disabled can share the joy of play and exercise together. We understand that having fun is a fundamental aspect of overall well-being, and engaging in outdoor activities that bring joy fosters a sense of safety and belonging.

Simple adjustments to a 'typical' playground can transform it into an inclusive space. Lappset's inclusive design approach caters to individuals with diverse abilities, ensuring that everyone can participate in the joy of playing together. Our vision has always been to unite people in shared experiences rather than segregating them into separate groups, promoting a truly inclusive and enriching environment.

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Flora Nature playground in Markelo, The Netherlands

Nature play

Children spend most of their time indoors, so it's important to encourage them to play outside as much as possible. Playing in nature helps develop children's cognitive, physical, and mental abilities. However, in urban areas, there may be limited natural spaces for children to play outdoors. With Lappset's wooden playground equipment, nature is easily accessible and within reach.

Our Nordic pine timber is incredibly durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions, from frost to sun. This robust yet soft material ensures a comfortable and enjoyable experience for children, regardless of the weather. Not only is it resilient, but with an environmentally friendly carbon footprint, you can trust that these products contribute to preserving the environment for future generations.

Only the best parts of the wood are used in our playground equipment. In addition, we offer unpainted options for all our wooden playgrounds and fitness equipment.

Play and sports park for all generations in Rovaniemi, Finland

Play and sports park for all generations in Rovaniemi, Finland

Lappset sports areas are designed for all

At Lappset, we want to ensure that our outdoor sports area adds value to the entire community, regardless of your skill level. With an accessible and challenging design, everyone can get participate in activities like callisthenics. Multifunctioning equipment allows more efficient use of space, as the equipment serves many purposes. This is one of the most important aspects of Lappset’s sports design.

To create a harmonious sports experience, it is essential to combine functional training techniques such as crossfit, callisthenics, and weight training with mobility exercises and body care practices. Senior sports equipment can also be used to enhance this synergy. Lappset’s outdoor exercise equipment is suitable for public spaces according to standards, and they are easy to maintain. They are also a great addition alongside running, walking, and cycling paths, making them easily accessible.

Dash Parkour spot in Den Haag, The Netherlands

Urban sports for public spaces

Urban sports areas for young people and adults are becoming increasingly popular. Working out in an outdoor gym and freerunning in public spaces is immensely popular, and we see new pump tracks popping up all over the place. Lappset’s Dash Parkour is designed and tested according to safety standards and can be installed in public areas. Our Fitness equipment can be utilised to create an adult obstacle course or street workout spot.

Urban sports are a great way of motivating and activating people. Cities should promote a healthy image by highlighting these facilities in their marketing efforts and encouraging people to exercise together. To make sports facilities more appealing and engaging, especially for young people, consider incorporating exciting interactive devices that motivate and inspire them to express themselves. This can also help create a greater appeal towards physical activity.

Båstad bench

Båstad bench

It is important to finalise all public spaces

When people gather to socialise, play or exercise, it is important to support their healthy lifestyle by offering opportunities to arrive while jogging, cycling, riding a kick scooter, or anything other than a car. For this, public spaces need adequate facilities for securing bicycles, disposing of snack wrappers in a litter bin, and placing your jacket on the bench, or a table for your water bottle.

Minimum requirements for a public park:  

  • Two benches (one in the sunshine, one in the shade)
  • One litter bin to discourage littering
  • One bicycle stand accommodating at least four bicycles

A good set of benches in a public park can also serve as a pathway for elderly residents in residential areas. This connection between exercise areas and daily activities is important. In addition to promoting physical activity, social gathering places can also encourage the use of sustainable transportation, such as walking, cycling, or skating to and from these areas. 

Lappset playground in Dobele Latvia

Download playground checklist

Are you looking to design a playground that sparks joy and adventure in the hearts of children?

Our team of experts has compiled a comprehensive checklist to help you create a safe, stimulating, and imaginative playground. 

Example products for public spaces