Music therapy underneath the Lappset Sona Interactive dance and play arch

A shared location for interactive sports and play products is not just fun for all children and users of the product, but it also means multiple applications for a single product. The flexibility and advantages of an interactive don’t stop with the continuously updated and released content but extend to its use.

Published: July 27, 2020, edited: May 9, 2023

Tyltylcenter De Witte Vogel ‘The White Bird’ – The Hague, The Netherlands

The Lappset Sona Interactive dance and play arch at Tylyltylcentrum De Witte Vogel in The Hague is the ultimate example of a product used in multiple ways. The establishment focuses on education, revalidation, and the development of children with various (severe) disabilities between the ages of 0-20. The children can play here safely and supervised, learn in a fun way, or revalidate by performing exercises and listening to music.

Employee and music therapist, Sabine Dijksterhuis-van Zanten, gives music therapy classes at the Tyltylcenter. She makes the children move and sing along to songs she has written and created solely for this target group. This works perfectly because the songs have the right amount of tension since modern songs often need to be simplified. They offered music therapy a few days a week, and we received the question if we could add Sabine’s songs to the Sona. From that moment, we created the Music Therapy game. Read more about Tyltycenter’s experience with the Sona.

The reactions are super positive! They see the children move to the music. Children from other groups that don’t know my songs enjoy the music as well. The Music Therapy game is a great addition to the Sona Arch. It’s something I hear from other employees here as well.

- Sabine Dijksterhuis-van Zanten

Wheelchair-user starting a game on the Lappset Son
Children during music therapy at Tyltylcenter De Witte Vogel ‘The White Bird’ – The Hague, The Netherlands
Children during music therapy at Tyltylcenter De Witte Vogel ‘The White Bird’ – The Hague, The Netherlands
Children during music therapy at Tyltylcenter De Witte Vogel ‘The White Bird’ – The Hague, The Netherlands
Children during music therapy at Tyltylcenter De Witte Vogel ‘The White Bird’ – The Hague, The Netherlands
Top games played on the Lappset Sona at Tyltylcentrum De Witte Vogel

Music Therapy Game: Becoming the Top Choice and Most Popular

As you can see in the user statistics, the music therapy game quickly became the number one played and most popular game on the Sona Arch. The other games are still being played as much. However, the diversity and the extra added value means more children can benefit from the knowledge and experience of the people working at this center.

Christiaan Ribbens, Lead UX/Game developer at Lappset
Author Profile | Christiaan Ribbens - Former Lead UX Designer Lappset Interactive

One of my favorite aspects of my role at Lappset is to not only create games that entertain but also games that really impact players around the world. We test all year round with many types of players and experts, giving us valuable insights into how to make our games even better. The best thing here is that we constantly measure, visit locations and it's amazing to see games being played more and longer not only on our digital dashboards, but also when we spot a product in the wild.

Visit his LinkedIn Profile

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