Interactive Play in Mülheim an der Ruhr's

The Sutu Interactive ball wall has been known for many years at Mülheimer SportService – the city's sports department. However, a suitable location for innovative play and sports equipment has been lacking. Jonas Höhmann of Mülheim SportService envisioned finding a location that could offer the Sutu an innovative space for sports and play—a place with maximum utilization by various groups.

Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Lappset GmbH

"The ball wall is something special. The various games and challenges create incentives for children and young people to get moving."

- Herr Höhmann, Mülheimer SportService

Tengelmann Arena

"The ball wall is something special. The various games and challenges create incentives for children and young people to move. Football is also very popular in the Styrum district and perfectly complements the existing Tengelmann Arena in the sports park," Höhmann said. The Tengelmann Arena is a 40x20m open-air hall from the McArena company used by clubs and private groups to play football. Other sports, such as fitness and volleyball, are also possible in the Tengelmann Arena. There are extensive courses and event programs for the entire sports park.

Whether it's sports clubs, the neighbouring schools, the daycare centre, or playing children who come to visit the sports park in their free time – they all use the new interactive ball wall!

The Sutu is something new for the children and young people, something new they have never seen before. They see their recent play and sports equipment as high-quality and unique. The remarkable thing about the Sutu in Mülheim is its colour, yellow, which fits the design concept for the entire sports park.

Boy playing football on the Sutu Interactive ball wall
Children playing football on the Sutu Interactive ball wall
Children playing football on the Sutu Interactive ball wall
Children playing football on the Sutu Interactive ball wall
Children playing football on the Sutu Interactive ball wall

Not only is football popular, but also handball!

We at Yalp have received a request to develop a game for handball players. Our design team then created a custom game, which the Mülheimer SportService can now use.

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Lappset Interactive Playground Equipment