Ten Must-See Playgrounds Around the World

Play. The universal language of children across the globe. From Ireland to Abu Dhabi and China to Madrid, there is one constant truth: children love to play and interact with one another, and often do not need to speak the same language in order to do so. Styles of playgrounds may differ between countries, but the elements that they are composed of virtually all have the same goals: to develop strength and coordination while encouraging a creative, active, and safe atmosphere where children may interact with one another and enjoy the pleasures of play.

Published: 30 December 2021, edited: 23 August 2023

Ever wondered what playgrounds look like around the world?

Here are ten must-see playgrounds that you absolutely have to check out!

Activity park located in the yard of Matkus shopping center in Finland

Activity park located in the yard of Matkus shopping center in Finland

1. Matkus Shopping Center’s Olopuisto-park, Kuopio, Finland

Nestled among the lakes and forests of central Finland, you’ll find the town of Kuopio and its primary retail outlet, Matkus Shopping Center.

Matkus is way more than just a place to spend your paychecks, though, as it’s home to Olopuisto – one park with many possibilities!

Completed in 2020, this nearly 3800 m² park has something for everyone! Divided into areas by target user age and interests (parkour, pump track, sports, and play) this playground, alone, is worth the trip to Finland!

Wall-Holla in Krakow, Poland

Wall-Holla in Krakow, Poland

2. Czyżyny, Krakow, Poland

Krakow, Poland is a city full of culture, history, and old European adventure.

It would seem only fitting that this playground in the Czyżyny neighborhood would showcase the beautiful revival that the city has experienced over the past several decades.

Starting with its focal point, the ever-recognizable WallHolla, this playground beautifully bridges the gap between generations.

WallHolla’s contrasting colors and architectural brilliance make it an instant show-stopper in any playground and add in the complimenting workout equipment and variety of swings and you’ve got a recipe for one dandy of a playground.

Tiger-themed playground in Finland

Tiger playground Ranua Finland

3. The Tiger Park at Ranua Zoo, Ranua, Finland

Opened in 1983, Ranua Zoo is one of the most popular attractions in Finnish Lapland, but it’s not just the live animals that have been attracting visitors from far and wide; it’s also their incredible Tiger Park that extends the adventure for guests of all ages.

Nestled in amongst the tall pines, Tiger Park’s design aesthetic matches seamlessly with its surroundings and features two, tall towers connected by a bridge that allows users to get a bird’s-eye-view of the beautiful landscape.

Two massive tigers adorn the towers and bridge, creating a thrilling element that is sure to keep children squealing with joy for years to come. Need to make a quick escape? No problem. Each tower has a series of slides to steer you towards even more fun down below.

Kaisa Golden Bay Playground, Shenzhen, China

Kaisa Golden Bay Playground, Shenzhen, China

4. Kaisa Golden Bay Playground, Shenzhen, China

China is still a land of wonder and mystery to many in the western world and that feeling is on full display at Kaisa Golden Bay Playground in Shenzhen; China’s fifth most populous city.

Designed to cater to four different areas – toddlers’ zone, kids’ play area, the challenge zone, and a complexity area – Kaisa Golden Bay proves that a playground can be more than just a place for children, but rather an experience for families spanning several generations.

Lighthouse bespoke playground France

Lighthouse bespoke playground France

5. Holiday Resort L’Océan Breton, Plobannalec-Lesconil, France

Known well for its lighthouses and picturesque views of the Atlantic, Brittany is as beautiful as it is adventurous.

Holiday Resort L’Océan Breton in Plobannalec-Lesconil, France borrowed some of these iconic features and created something that is equal parts culturally fitting and functionally fun with their stunning 12.4-meter-tall lighthouse.

Designed to pay homage to their own local lighthouse, this structure adds charm and charisma to this relaxing, French commune.

Al Nahyan Park, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Al Nahyan Park, Abu Dhabi, UAE

6. Al Nahyan Park, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi is known as being a major commerce and culture hub of the Middle East, but perhaps a playground mecca should also be added to its list of notables.

Visit Al Nahyan Park and you’ll see what we mean. A far cry from the modern concrete and glass of Abu Dhabi’s skyscrapers and city center; Al Nahyan Park is sophisticated and welcoming, thanks to its use of natural materials and warm colors.

Not lacking in the architectural aspects, a three-tiered Cubic installation partially mimics the feel of Abu Dhabi’s skyline; maintaining a complimentary style that works perfectly in this hot, arid climate.

Botanical Garden in Norra Bäcklösa, Uppsala, Sweden

Botanical Garden in Norra Bäcklösa, Uppsala, Sweden

7. Botanical Garden in Norra Bäcklösa, Uppsala, Sweden

There’s just something about the Nordics and forest-themed playgrounds that works, and at the Botanical Garden in Norra Bäcklösa, Uppsala, Sweden there’s no better example of this.

Virtually anything and everything that you could hope for in a nature play-themed playground is here.

A treehouse-like tower with a long, twisting slide, a variety of climbing obstacles, and elements that allow for even the tiniest of forest folk to play and let their imaginations run wild; Uppsala is where it’s at!

The Ark Open Farm, Newtownards, Northern Ireland

The Ark Open Farm, Newtownards, Northern Ireland

8. The Ark Open Farm, Newtownards, Northern Ireland

Few areas of the world are filled with more legend and lore than that the Emerald Isle. Never was this truer than at the Ark Open Farm in Newtownards, Northern Ireland.

Completed in the spring of 2021, the Dragon’s Den Playground is the perfect place to take an imaginary trip back in time and pretend that you’re either defending or storming a castle with a legion of armor-clad knights.

Whether you’re the invading hoard or the valiant protectors of your keep, this playground is sure to get those creative juices flowing for hours upon hours.

Spectacular, bespoke Dino playground in Madrid Spain

The Spectacular Dino, Madrid, Spain

9. The Spectacular Dino, Madrid, Spain

Dinosaurs may have gone extinct about 65 million years ago, but in Madrid, you’ll find a contemporary take on them that will leave you feeling as though they’re still very much alive!

Perhaps the largest, ground dinosaur in the world, this playground has become more than just a place where locals congregate for fun and relaxation, but a truly must-see destination playground in the Spanish capital.

Climb, slide, swing, and laugh until your heart is content; the Dino of Madrid provides over 40 meters of fun and excitement, so there’s no risk of running out of things to do.

Play castle in Thomas Street park in Australia

Thomas Street Reserve Playscape, Hampton VIC, Australia

10. Thomas Street Reserve Playscape, Hampton VIC, Australia

Hampton, Australia – a suburb of Melbourne – is the last stop on our journey of our ten, must-see playgrounds around the world, and for good measure.

Updated and modernized in the spring of 2021, the Thomas Street Reserve Playscape went all out for its community by incorporating its original “fort theme”, but added an interactive, Fono DJ booth and Senior Sports equipment; making this one of the most inclusive, multi-generational playgrounds in both the southern and northern hemispheres.

Remember to pack a picnic lunch with you when you check it out, though, because there’s no way you’re spending any less than the whole day there.

Playgrounds differ greatly between countries and cultures, but one thing is always consistent: fun

By creating safe and nurturing playground equipment, we hope to encourage users of all ages and abilities to find the strength and self-confidence to push their boundaries, experience new adventures and enjoy the great outdoors.

If you want to have a playground worthy of must-see status, contact us and we’ll get you started down the right path.

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